

call me mar or marlow! || they/them || hispanic || 19 || VERY multifandom || SoCal fur!

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hi i’m mar!! i’m a nonbinary butch lesbian and i like to draw the funny cookies sometimes along with some other fandoms :D

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might as well cross post, my commissions are open!!! all info will be in the carrd in my bio, feel free to message me here or on instagram to claim a slot!

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about 2 updates late?? but here’s my favorite boy vagabond cookie!!

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anyways sorry for neglecting my public twitter, pls have some cool new owl house oc’s i’m making for a story as compensation

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hi, i’m marlow!! i enjoy drawing various things like original characters and characters from shows and games. i like webkinz, cookie run, pokemon, owl house, and wings of fire, just to name a few. feel free to follow for occasional rambling and art <3

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