

(27, he/she) art twitter for @blindpr0phet. i dont draw a lot ):

(ENG/intermediate 日本語 OK)

フォロー数:3 フォロワー数:9

i'm posting ancient art again but this is one of my favorite things i ever did and i never shared it for some reason.

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so, this is late, but about a week ago I finished a playthrough of the first (man, that feels weird to say) psychonauts and I drew this in celebration! I was actually so late finishing it because I've been having fun with 2 :')

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so ive been playing ffxiv for almost a year (in fact i think my anniversary is july 20!) and really only just now completed a "serious" drawing of my WoL. He's pictured as a DRG here since that was my starting job

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i beat this game all the way back in march and somehow i havent stopped thinking about it since

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hi im in the entrapta fanclub

i finished spop like the day season 5 came out, im just a slow fanartist OTL

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i luv wilbur ok thanks

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