

stargazer // prsk+holo+btr+lgts+other // ask: retrospring.net/le0niigo // ko-fi: ko-fi.com/le0niigo/ pfp by @Spilled_Te

フォロー数:836 フォロワー数:11539

(i don't really have anything i can post at the moment)

58 666

first time doodling grape jewel freya 🍇💚

237 892

🎸Leo/need Instruments (Ver. 3.5)
[⚠️not official / speculation / 憶測 ]
(*updated Shiho's pedalboard and Saki's new keytar)

143 395

(the horns are a bit different haha i wanna color them all sometime too)

34 99

"what a week, huh?"
"elise, it's wednesday"

701 2125

(gnc au* and canon leb... i love them both
*original design by te. not ts/not genderbend) https://t.co/xEWiogVCmi

179 655

(last little leblise things)

34 119

(more requests... i'm sorry for the welma. uh...)

43 114