

UI/UX Artist at Atomhawk Advance - all dumb opinions my own. (Username the same elsewhere)(She/Her)

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Recently did the first homework for the Schoolism materials course - just straight painting Iron. It was super fun! 🙌

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Hello! So sorry I didn’t get to say hi to you the other day in the office!

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Moving house this month so no chance of real ink drawings! Digital ink still counts right? 🌝

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Guess what I saw this afternoon and LOVED. Although wanted to see 100% more jelly Jack-Jack... 💖

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Sunday painting practice y'all!

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This portrait is the bain of my life... I’ve redone it several times but I think at some point you just have to slap a BG on it and be done with it! Posting it so there’s no take backsies and I no longer fiddle with it 🤗🙈🖖

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