catra’s social media intern✨さんのプロフィール画像

catra’s social media intern✨さんのイラストまとめ

i like that cat girl from that one show

フォロー数:629 フォロワー数:1993

i think we should have that conversation

240 1696

adora & everyone trying to get into the first one’s ruins this season reminded me of frat parties bc they were all like “who do you know here??” and adora’s like “bro we’re friends of mara ahaha🥴”

54 276

don’t tell me adora wouldn’t post cringey tik toks like this all the damn time

10 74

me: “happy early birthday!!☺️”

shera: “tf is a birthday🤨”

20 311

can yall stop? can yall PLEASE stop??💀

39 276