

☆ kagamine brain
☆ I like things and draw things I like
☆ mega cool pro gamer
☆ Vocaloid/League of Legends/BOTW/Miraculous

フォロー数:89 フォロワー数:65

i drew gorou and now i'm here making this nonsense- this is all genshin's fault i refuse to believe otherwise
(if you saw the wips of this on my pixiv no you didn't <3)

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quickly colored a sketch! ( ´ ⌣ `)૭ 💙💛

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happy birthday queen meiko 👑✨

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its the perfect time to get back into drawing Riel cosplaying as other characters 👉👈
this time she's dressed up as the lovely Annput (´▽`*)

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my only weakness please i beg you spare me i must not i do not want the pain please i beg no pleas save me help i do not see my eyes must look away i do not see it it does not exist its all my imagination fake brain no work

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these idiots 💖💝💘💞❣️💓💕💖💘💓
(i totally remembered to post this here-)

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happy age increasement day to my homie THE epic mister cool guy himself 🎉🎉🎉
have a magical and sparkly birthday !!!

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i wanna go back to the time when i thought shading was easy.. eughhhhhhhhh
at least i'm getting through with it (ง •̀ ‿•́ )ง

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99% of my brain thinks about this idiot and his boyfriend

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💞💛 Rin! 💛💞

i always have so much fun drawing rin (´▽`*)

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