Leny Indahさんのプロフィール画像

Leny Indahさんのイラストまとめ

Do whatever you want

フォロー数:576 フォロワー数:736

I think my illustrations last year still relevant for our condition right now. Happy Ied Al Fitr in this pandemic. God bless our family. Hope you'll still keep in healthy and hello-ing the good news eventhough just connecting on the device.

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Thank you and -Makko.co- had served this comic stories. Rokki is my first favourite web comic at that time.

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The only woman who personally give me some lovely words and wishes after my mama was gone.

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Untung ada teknologi, ketika kaki tak mampu melangkah, tangan tak mampu menjabat erat, kita masih bisa bertemu untuk saling bermaafan. Selamat Hari Raya Idhul Fitri, teman-temaaaan~

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I lowkey really wanna feel how satisfy people draw with their pentab or smartphone tablet. However it comes, I'm still happy to draw eventhough started on a paper and tracing it into some digital illustrations by my laptop/phone :)

Please, https://t.co/K8snXirtpy

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gilaa bagus bangeeeet... gilasih keren.. dulu juga suka gambar portrait di autodesk sketchbook, udah ngga pernah lanjut improve lagi.. dibandingin punya mbak nya, gambarku gini doang wkwkwk https://t.co/zUNjEw8o09

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Hngng, hgemaaaz. Baru sadar, pake bando begimane~ antingnya beda~

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