

23 he/she/heo

currently posting abt: iconoclasts, exocolonist, in stars and time

eng {&} toki pona

フォロー数:279 フォロワー数:243

first royal of the year

6 15

ragna is my favorite so far bc i have a soft spot for zombies

0 1

abt to start picking at this comm again, progress feels slow but sure LOL

0 8

instance von exocolonist

0 10


tommie being my vivisection-obsessed mad scientist who *also* sleeps on a mattress on the floor and lies to people about having actual credentials as a doctor 👍

0 5

[ ocs , dice ]

does anyone else have the issue of doing """quick warmups""" and then suddenly it's an hour later and you're struggling not to give in and render it fully

6 62

10. CrossCode (2018)

a zelda-esque meta rpg set within an mmorpg. i really really love the aesthetics and the worldbuilding, but the puzzles were honestly a little too finicky and it turned me off from the game a bit

have yet to finish it, but ideally i can dig back in next yr

0 4

postgame au

doodling before work

4 8