

media fan✍️i draw/write sometimes

フォロー数:187 フォロワー数:869

i never posted this since i didnt finish the background but here a yuzueru... since ibyz military gacha exists now

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ibaba in enstmusic... (real.......)

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my poor little meow meow my baby my little baby who hurt so much but treats people with nothung but kindness forgive me for not being able to do more ibtried my best i really did

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they wouldbe Best Friends

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two favs/least fav

BOTH IF THESE ARE SO GOOD ITS NOT FAIR. the two sides of the gap moe yuzuru spectrum which i lov<3 id prob pick the first one if u pointed a gun to my head tho the art is really gorgeous and. Forehead...
"pool yuzuru cant hurt you" pool yuzuru:

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fav/least fav

im talking about these together tatsumias hair in enstars style HAS to be drawn stringy and straight i hate it when it poofs that is not my man

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fav/least fav

HIS OUTFIT IS SOOOO FUCKING GOOD it suits him so well just everythif about it. the card art is pretty but mostly the outfit
also sorry i didnt say anything when this came out but this set doesnt suit mayoi atall also his face is. Weird idk its too?? solid??

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disucssing ship dynamics with my mutuals

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‧ Lesbian

General of the Tenryou Commission

Leader of the Tenryou Commission's forces. Bold, decisive, and skilled in kissing women.

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