Let’s Be Legendary Podcast 🏳️‍🌈 S5 COMING SOONさんのプロフィール画像

Let’s Be Legendary Podcast 🏳️‍🌈 S5 COMING SOONさんのイラストまとめ

Actual play Dungeons & Dragons #dnd5e #podcast with a story heavy focus! A Steampunk/Wild West game. #LGBTQ+ players & characters! On iTunes, Spotify etc!🏳️‍🌈

フォロー数:186 フォロワー数:400

Tonight at 7PM CDT, and will be playing some Overwatch! Maybe some Quick Play Classic or Mayhem for the chaos!


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Tonight at 7pm CST (and MAYBE if she's not too sick from her booster) will be playing some Overwatch! Come hang out and say hi while they grind for those sweet Winter Wonderland loot boxes!


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Now that the episode has been out for a week, I think it's a good time to show the logo and announce the title for our new Patreon project-- "The Shadow of Ravenloft" .... SURPRISE!! We're playing The Curse of Strahd!!!!

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