
@[email protected]さんのイラストまとめ


フォロー数:677 フォロワー数:995
# osr d20 dnd

...I've just realized what my aspirational state is in terms of ink art, and...

...it feels distant but *attainable?*

0 21

This is a thread for my WeirdGlass art (and eventually layouts and other such as those come along), to put it all in one place.

If you're unclear: WeirdGlass is my upcoming game, which pulls fresh from most of the original source material for *except* Tolkien.

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I'm currently rewriting an old fairy tale adventure in a magical forest thing of mine into a 'campaign starter' kit for the Quest RPG and it is *so much better*

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I am typically not very good at making nice hex maps, so this is a big step up for me.

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