Erwin BisexualKing🥝☕️さんのプロフィール画像

Erwin BisexualKing🥝☕️さんのイラストまとめ

Pris, she, 23+, I draw sometimes
Eruri, Yumihisu, Gallirei, etc.. Warriors lover♥
100% joking
GK: @Ogatasjailor

フォロー数:859 フォロワー数:16837

So excited to see them next week💕

169 921

This was Erwin's best look, I don't make the rules

83 447

Hisu being like her dads, that's it. that's the tweet

62 383

me: ☹️
Eruri: 28 cm of height difference
me: 🙂

108 541

Punk Eruri~
This was for the eruri week day 3 but I couldn't finish it in time 💦

59 280

They are so cute ❤️ and Erwin has both arms 🥺

62 390

The guy in the second pic truly looks like Erwin 😳

95 434

When Erwin imitates Levi >>>>>>>>>>

121 609

They shared one (1) tent ⛺️
The day is hot but Berto sems not to care

60 292