Erwin BisexualKing🥝☕️さんのプロフィール画像

Erwin BisexualKing🥝☕️さんのイラストまとめ

Pris, she, 23+, I draw sometimes
Eruri, Yumihisu, Gallirei, etc.. Warriors lover♥
100% joking
GK: @Ogatasjailor

フォロー数:861 フォロワー数:16864

Eruri went from classmates to enemies to friends to roommates to lovers, what a wholesme relationship

81 316

Annie's morning hair, like if you agree

30 192

Merch team with Eruri: This is a set, do not separate them

83 243

Erwin & Levi at the beginning and at the end of the arc😔

108 347

I have a bunch of dumb gk memes I never used, hope they make you laugh

0 2

It's funny how Hanji says "please don't eat me!" to Pieck when the first time that's what almost happened😂

102 422

Get yourself a man who can do both

32 131