🏹 Lexreon 🏹さんのプロフィール画像

🏹 Lexreon 🏹さんのイラストまとめ

Lex • 27 • she/her • I draw and tweet about video games, mostly D2 & BDO. Arc Titan & bow main #ArsenicBite4bGang 🏹 📧: [email protected]

Commissions: closed

フォロー数:1193 フォロワー数:5741

i had a dream that went a lil something like this

0 1

tryna figure out what music to listen to like

0 6

Floaty Warlock commission for featuring a mini Xol and WotW.

5 17

some fursona doodles. i may or may not come back to these and finish 'em up.

(probably not)

7 15

i have sinned once more

0 2

i spent all night remaking memes with my titan lmao

6 12

version without blur/purple overlay <3

0 3