🏹 Lexreon 🏹さんのプロフィール画像

🏹 Lexreon 🏹さんのイラストまとめ

Lex • 27 • she/her • I draw and tweet about video games, mostly D2 & BDO. Arc Titan & bow main #ArsenicBite4bGang 🏹 📧: [email protected]

Commissions: closed

フォロー数:1193 フォロワー数:5741

Yo ho ho and a bottle of Sprote!

392 2304

new NPC on flight rising is a pirate pearlcatcher and i love him very much

(pearlcatchers are my favourite breed. they're like the bows and titans of dragons)

1 19

how to know if it's wide lex wednesday:

1. my discord will notify you

1 89

it's been 43535 years but i've finally done it

4 204


26 153

i think it's time for me to update the captain lex art 😏

WIP// < 2022 - 2019 >

13 206