

NSFW 18+ only / 20s / she/her - Ellery's official best friend™ - Call me Lizard - Might contain problematic content but I do not condone it IRL - Minors DNI

フォロー数:592 フォロワー数:78



More cute hugs between Callisto and Ellery <3

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More cute CalElle time <3 The great thing about having a tiny boywife is that it takes zero effort to lift him in the air

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2 10



Oh yeah, I don't think I ever posted this memey Little Death fanart in which I combined like four of my stupidest ideas into one

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More cute, comforting Calelle time....

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I wanted to draw a sweet pic of Callisto comforting Ellery ;-;

Big evil man...is sometimes...soft and tender..............sometimes.......
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I wanted to draw Callisto and Ellery being cute for change ;-;

I love when Callisto's bullies his little boywife but...I also want them to be...in love <3
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A little Momob 最モブ floating nap

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