

Julianne Cancalosi | 33 | she/her | dnd/ttrpg art for days my dudes ✨

フォロー数:753 フォロワー数:284
# ootd

/immediately makes all of my dice children

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YAAS TIEFLINGS this is my sweet sweet Pella! She’s a neutral good sorcerer who just wants to pick flowers for her missing son

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Tfw your dnd session has started but you’re on the other side of the country still at work for another hour

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Valentine’s Day is a sham because I love my dnd crew every day but at least it’s a good excuse to draw lots of smooches

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There wasn’t much too it but I was feeling heckin cute yesterday

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Conditions have not improved existing coping mechanisms persist

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Me at this week:

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Also throwback to the teacup league and s-team for spicing up the beginning of this decade

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It’s been 10 years and no one has stopped me from drawing ocs on white backgrounds

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