

Anarcho-philosophies | Pacifist | Believer #BlackLivesMatter #antiwar #peace #radicallove 🏳️‍⚧️ IG: its.robin.xoxo

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Every government explains its existence and justifies its deeds of violence.....

20 17

War is a disgusting racket.

31 36

Any idea that must be enforced through violence or imprisonment...

10 9


The earliest form of the written word "freedom" or "liberty," in Sumerian.

4 9

They're taking each other's money by force and patting themselves on the back about how civilized they are for it.

12 17

Politics and religion...

6 5

Every empire needs a hero...

13 9

The History of our Iniquity. Loving a lie... Let it all fall down.

6 2