

It's not how to run, it's #WhyWeRun. A magazine full of stories and beautiful visuals by runners, for runners. We ship worldwide.

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"I added a short detour along the clifftops beyond the hotel and came across two camels. Their presence surprised me, but in hindsight I should have expected them. This was their country, after all."

'By Dawn’s Early Light' a story of a run in by

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"It was my father I chased this morning – and the conversations our pounding feet could have had had I not waited until he could no longer run to follow him – south across the rolling hills"

'Running Alone' by Robert Busby
🎨 by Chiara Lanzieri

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"I found out, like so many other first-time marathoners, just what I had gotten myself into ... The first eight miles seemed to whip by. The rest didn’t."

'Lessons Learned' by
Full story in – Available via
Illustrated by

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'You've Got to Be Good to Yourself' tells the story of a Carer in the time of Covid-19, who finds solace on the empty roads before shifts.
✍️ Louis Waterman-Evans
🎨 Dominic Twigg
Full story in via

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"Eagles are the only birds that fly into the storm. They use the storm to rise. If you want to face your demons, don’t hide from the storm. Run right into it."
'One Foot in Front of Another'
Full story in
✍️ Emma Bodkin 🎨

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"Running, and in particular running on the Sand, gives me a sense of scale that Bob Ross would struggle to paint. The Sun, Wind, Rain, Tide and Temperature curate a picture that both rewards and challenges."
✍️P Heywood
🎨W Stepien

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"Ten days post-UTMB I could barely even bring myself to talk about the experience. I was so muddled by it all, what it meant, what was it all for? – and the question I dreaded the most – what was next?"
Read on:
✍️ 🎨

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"“On your marks.”⁠
We tread the line. There’s a loose energy to the lack of lane discipline, the total freedom to pick your own racing line. For a heartbeat, everything is still and frozen as I lean in. My shadow tenses like a spring.⁠"
✍️ 🎨

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"But packing a small pack with nothing but a change of clothes, food for the day and a credit card – that’s another level of freedom." –
'Running Between Cabins' is a extract in Out Now via

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"Pressing pause. It’s something a lot of runners struggle with. After all, it’s called “catching the running bug” for a reason.⁠"
Words by Emma Gill (
Illustration by
Full story in

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