lili lyrical🌘🍷Artist/Modeller/Creatorさんのプロフィール画像

lili lyrical🌘🍷Artist/Modeller/Creatorさんのイラストまとめ

27/UK/they illust/l2d🍷イギリス出身イラストレーター•モデラー 🌘L2D = セルフ受肉me 🍷依頼comms: DM or 🌘 I’m p sfw but followers 18+ please!

フォロー数:524 フォロワー数:1114 girls re:verse ep 3 time!! come watch some virtual idols with me <3

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streaming HOUSE FLIPPER in a bit!
しばらくの間にHouse Flipperの配信開始だー!素敵な家作っていこ! starting game in 10min but let's hang a bit first <3

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when my animated emotes are all approved its over for all of you

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Thanks for stream! we finished off the illust i was working on and also drew as thanks for the raid earlier this week!

Thank you also to for the 15 community subs! <3

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ART & CHAT LET'S GO! thank you doodles for shoutouts/raids and then finishing my 2nd outfit art piece <3

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finally getting through my backlog so i'll accept reqs for comms! big comms will be waitlist, small comms like sketches or headshot can come through and will be done asap <3 sketch samples + clean chara illust sample

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THANK U FOR STREAM we flipped some houses and i got frustrated. thank you for the raid !! i couldnt find anyone to raid so please find someone new and hang out in their twitch chat as your cute vampire stream homework

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