CRAZY ANCIENT FUCKER @ 7.0'd #FFXIVspoilersさんのプロフィール画像

CRAZY ANCIENT FUCKER @ 7.0'd #FFXIVspoilersさんのイラストまとめ

Idiot | Artist | Big Titty-lovin' Degenerate | Next Wing-it batch: Bikini Bonanza | FFXIV: Lili Rulu @ Sargatanas

フォロー数:3012 フォロワー数:17055
# ffxiv

Finished~~~ I needed to draw something incredibly self indulgent.

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okay, I did the colors for it lmao my character Lili Rulu dressed like a school girl

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true design is 90% messy globs that don't look like much of anything to anyone other then you

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rough ideas for all different gear types of the lolita healer outfit I came up with the ffxiv armor contest

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Gyaru Shooten and Seiba. I wanna do more of these :u

Maybe I'll put together an artbook/zine thing someday.

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wanted to draw big sparkly eye so I did. Didn't turn out how I wanted it too exactly but it looks nice.

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modelling heels to use as reference when I'm drawin'

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