

Jehova es mi Pastor, God is my Savior, Pro Vida, Pro Life, Art lover, Love dogs, Conservadora, Independiente, Alianza 💙, Trato de ser tolerante 🌻

フォロー数:2862 フォロワー数:4938

Tamara de Lempicka (1898-1980) Polish painter

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Claude Monet, Dieppe 1882

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Vincent Van Gogh, Vase of Flowers

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Norman Rockwell, The Art of Persuasion

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Andrew Wyeth, Fishermen in Dory

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Paul Gauguin, Vase with Flowers on the Window, 1881

2 14

Let’s start our day with Inge Look and her lovely Old Ladies ☕️🎶

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Rene Magritte, Le Somnambule, 1947-1949

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