

Director of GMs @nuclearnerds

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2/ I’ve had the good fortune of following this project from close to its early inception. All on the off-chance that I caught a movie poster on dc/hotshave’s IG account 👇🏻

It was my first exposure to nerds, and the moment I knew this project was going to be built different.

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These are the only influencers I’m looking to follow

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Is this not the origin story of Number One? I always assumed it was

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Hold up. Nukes? Bullish

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In Chapter 10 we have our main battle, with an array of notable figures, including the caterpillars and members the Twelve (can you spot them?). This is the climax of the conflict to the story.

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And here we have our “less than stable” Number One. Thinking this is the intro to the Twelve, and that this character could be causing trouble for the marauders.

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is the future of story and world building in web3

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14/ And then one day while scrolling on Instagram (which I was barely doing at this point), I stumbled on a new post from

I’ll save you the text, but this was the image 👇🏻

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