

フォロー数:1125 フォロワー数:621

Ethan Asher Wesley is the only child of The Wesley. His parents runs a small bed & breakfast in the outskirt of the city.
"I love to help mom cook for breakfast for the guests. It's super hectic yet really fun 😄." -Ethan
🎨: @/rubyubi_

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Hikari: "Arigatou neee ☺️🥰"
Klo arlet Rain & Flouna 🥰🫶🏻 sama Bang Eugene juga 🤭😁 wkwkwkwk

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Hikari: "Arigatou neeee ☺️"
Klo hanako Aiden & Devon sm Mikey 🥰🫶🏻 Mikey cantik 😍🫶🏻

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Hikari: "Arigatou neeee ☺️"
Kalo OC nya Tari juga samaa si sunshine Ethan ☀️🥰🫶🏻
Sama si cakep Bayu 😳 //uhuk

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Kayaknya Logan deh 😆
Universe lore nya di suatu negara bagian barat. Setting waktunya tahun 1990-an, tp pas usia young adult sih. Mungkin sekitar 17-20an(?). https://t.co/pJyAK6ziqV

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Logan Myles Riverstone is the eldest child of The Riverstone. His family has owned a well-known winery in the city, Thawn Winery, for generations.
"I honestly don't want to continue running the business, but I had no choice." -Logan
🎨: @/rubyubi_

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Wkwkwkw lucu bgt nder itu 🤣
Klo yg gambar sendiri masih blm ada nder 🙏🏻 (masih blm bs gambar manusia 🥲). Tp kebetulan ini ada meme OCku yg waktu itu digambarin moots.
Btw ayok nder mutualan, bisa cek bio dulu 😊
🎨: @/myyavebie

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Tambahan for my 3 lovely girls 🥰🫶🏻
Karena biasanya kalo nge komis itu dasarnya dari cerita untuk dapetin moment, jadi intinya ke-3 artist ini jg bagus bgtt nge gambarin moment nya!! 🥹🥰🫶🏻

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Face design test of Denver Schmidt
I still can’t draw hair though 🥲😆

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Kebetulan banget kemarin2 abis jajan chibi college AU 😁😆
Sumpah Ruese jadi aneh banget tanpa tanduk, telinga, dan tanda di dahinya 😆🙈
Hikari is so smol 🤏🏻 pengen tak hap 🤭
🎨: @/h16dump https://t.co/5LAXJTwdcz

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