
lilybugg🌌[email protected]さんのイラストまとめ

Also annoyed_galaxy🌌Writerish🌌Artistish🌌Professional Annoyance🌌Level 22🌌Empath🌌she/they🌌Ace/Demi/Bi🌌INFP🌌PMDD🌌 Bachelor's of Science in English

フォロー数:194 フォロワー数:141

I also got blue

Loki isn't blue but that pic is so :p

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Like and I'll give you a color
I got violet

Look the last one might not be violet but whatever

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I haven't shaded it yet, but I've got the base colors.

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Something I've discovered when drawing this: I really really really really like drawing legs. I mean the left one is a bit shite but that right leg is *Chef's kiss* noice. And on a side note I am happy with this.

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Messing around with some different T brushes in CSP. Still have no clue what I'm doing.

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YALL LOOK I'M ACTUALLY PROUD OF THIS 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I was mainly just trying to practice coloring on the girl mainly (My Hero from Fable 3, Aelyn) AND I LOVE THE HAND I was just playing with the background using random brushes I downloaded BUT EEEE

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Reading Attack on Titan Manga and it has some beautiful meme material

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Lord have mercy lack of motivation has made it to where I have not wanted to draw at all but then a sudden urge appeared and then disappeared. But hey. I got this made.

Will I ever finish it? Probably not

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