

Hello I'm just your average OCD riddled trash that's also a major simp :0
Also popett is my big sister ^v^

フォロー数:37 フォロワー数:37

Hello here is some actual salty fanart here is salty's persona and his female version the background is pretty bland I'm sorry okay bye >\\>

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Hiya everyone! ^^
I'm not completely back, but I'm a LOT more active again ^^
Since it's been a LOT easier to exist in Twitter again I thought I'd announce that I'm going to be here more than I have been! :0

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(×!slight blood!×)

Mølly :)

The girl with the x's in her eyes is my oc molly! ^^ I've had her for a while now but I'm still working on her design >.>
You can kind of get the idea of what she's like from this picture, and you can guess how Molly treats my persona -v-'

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Hfhf um..I feel bad but I'm just curious >.<:

0 1, this is a drawing of an angel version of my persona/oc<Lily is canonly older than me -v->, hugging an angel version of MC youtuber grian(theangelversionisntmine)^v^
Thank you carla for trying to give me enough confidence to post this->.<

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Tdhdtu apparently I'm most okay with posting this but I can't post anything else but I drew her >.<

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Here's a AC:NH art dump that I'm semi confident in posting ? ^^'

..There are probably several things wrong with this, but I made it for fun >.<<<<

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