

25 / art and rambles / actually a ferret irl
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i bring fox, if ya want :P

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I do like when they're drawn with pupils but it's just faint against their dark eyes, for example like in Glaceon's official artwork

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:D my little guys
Izuka the crybaby Zandalari and Mûre, whose nelf/troll but she still has tusks!

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so i misread this as the ocs that get the most attention from other people

here's my own personal darlinqs atm

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This is my main one, she's a Shadow Priest and she spends more time with void critters than she does other people, her eyes used to be green but they're a pinkish color now due to her being in the process of being slowly corrupted by the void

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Happy Valentine's Day from Minty and the person she loves most: herself

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