

British engineer, petrol head and hard rock enthusiast with a Pokémon obsession.

フォロー数:321 フォロワー数:471

I figure braixens are cute little fox witches, so here is Valentina the braitias dressed as Megumin

7 28



and totally in agreement! She looks great in a red hat, I'll have to make a quick adjustment to the picture I drew!

2 18

To all the fishcat enthusiasts I wish a very happy

25 113



I guess this is effective, yeah she's super effective
And at this point who cares what I've been drinking...

fanart of the rapping vaporeon from The Chalkeaters newest video because I'm obsessed with her atm

15 64

Coloured version of the absolutely charming and hilarious comic by the amazing with guest appearence from Pudding!
Thank you so much!

35 256

doodle of 's adorable rattata, Mawzi

10 31

some heros wear a labcoat

35 283