

created just to follow people I like

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Quiero escuchar tus risas y divertirme mucho contigo🥰mi hermosa karunita hime😊 tambien te estoy preparando un fanart😁la razon por la que estoy tardando es porque no estoy acostumbrado a dibujar flores y hojas, todavia estoy estudiando tu modelo un poco dificil😋pronto lo veras

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Hello Mahiru chan🤗 I wanted to wish you 🎄🎉Merry Christmas🎉🎄I'm so glad to hear that you had fun😁 I hope you continue to be so fun and kind🤗 take care and continue to have lots of fun😁👍

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Hello LUNYA😊 I hope you are very well🤗I disappeared because i got sick🤕 and i am still recovering. 😌But just for today i want to wish you a 🎄🎉Merry Christmas🎉🎄😁 smile and have a lot of fun. I send greetings to your cute cat😆 take care and have a lot of fun😁👍

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Ahh😌 it's ok, it's ok. 🤗It was just a dreamm 😐once dreamed that spiders and cockroaches got into my shirt🥴

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I like to hear you sing 😌 you have a very beautiful voice 😊

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Buenos diaa karuna chan😊 esta bien, que tengas un buen dia. Entonces voy a...😴💤💤💤 hasta mañana🥰...😪💤💤💤

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Ya veo🤔 😊espero que puedas sentirte mejor cuando despieres😌 dulces sueños karuna chan😊

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Good morning 🐻Mahiru chan🤗 did you sleep well? I hope you have a good day😁

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Ya veo🤔 seria bueno si vas a un oculista para que te ayude🤗 y hacerte medir unos lentes de descanso, que tambien tenga proteccion contra la luz azul😎 Ahhh☺ no pude evitar imaginarte con lentes, que linda te vez🥰

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Good morning nanana chan🤗 tomorrow i have a day off😎 ahhh i really want to do nothing. But i also don't want to waste it doing nothing. Ilike these images i think i will use them to make memes😆have a good day😁👍

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