lina wuさんのプロフィール画像

lina wuさんのイラストまとめ

artist 🥮 she 🥮 will draw 4 u: linawu13(at)gmail(.)com 🦢 i'm better on ig @linaw_u

フォロー数:437 フォロワー数:448

then the snow started falling

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here's my part of an very fun art trade with .... this is her character Destiny B-)))))))

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from this year ... i am really interested in what you can express by completely omitting + obscuring/obstructing parts of the face. & how it requires the viewer to fill some blanks of emotional nuance

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high school albums LOL (hon. mentions: treats, LP1, yeezus, night time my time & broke w expensy taste...)

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drawings i keep forgetting to post on twitter 8~)

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i made a tiny scrappy little animal crossing/stardew valley-themed perzine, Flowers Look Like Weeds, that you can download for free from Gumroad, where u can also download almost all of all the zine content i've ever created FOR FREE:

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going in with oils now...i alwas start from the focal point for no reason other than it makes me less anxious to have it done first :-P the first block-in was so fresh but the drawing was wrong so i had to rework it. i try to go from dark to light so white doesnt contaminate

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bojack went and encapsulated college

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