

Artist and ally of justice!
35. He/Him.
Trying to draw every day, with posts ranging from simple drawings to colored comics.
A physical danger to GenAI users.

フォロー数:70 フォロワー数:1477

He's just relaxing.

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This was originally just a drawing of myself in a bunny suit, but then I began adding text using pieces of lyrics from official English versions of songs from anime and RPGs, and then the singable English lyrics to Bakamitai.

Special points to whoever can source the rest, haha.

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Because of how busy today ended up being, I didn't think I'd manage to draw something new just today, but... here's more of the rabbit from last night. :T

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Quick and cartoony Mega Man and Rush for today's drawing. :T

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Seagull chef?
Seagull chef.
The original sketch involved a round, ball-like bird,

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Threw this together fast as I could after glancing at photos of people wearing overalls. Seemed summer-y enough.

I've got some other stuff I need to work on, so...

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While I was sketching this out, I planned to draw a person with giant lobster claws.

Then I added those ears, and it was all downhill from there.

4 16

Me: "I don't know what to do for the colors on this one, let's use the eyedropper tool on this image that shows me the NES color palette!"

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Clavats don't interact.

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This cat...looked really hamster-like in the sketch.

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