

Sup My Dudes Lion e're, Noobie Artist that likes to draw Cheesy stuff
👉Also Pls. Don't repost muh stuff without my say 👈

フォロー数:1207 フォロワー数:6433

Ugh Finally class time is done time to draw again, Hope you guys don't mind if I always ask a lotta questions

Anyways I always 'appreciate answers, Which swimwear color do you guys prefer? (or if you have another idea feel free to share 'em)

34 297

Lion....was once again too weak, WIP but this is the general gist of yab pose Notes of stuff I will add: IT will be bright sunlight, water reflections, palm leaves, transparent sarong and wet look

97 677

Ok I'm sorry for this but can't let the guys who voted for red and white on the clothes. I appreciate ya guys answering so Here have this alternate version with Morning Light (And several changes)

53 375

I just gotta share this because I had to stare at this...screen(And my grandmother walked in on me while coloring this and she saw this)

28 304

Lion....was too weak I have classes tomorrow T-T so I can't stay till 7am send help....(PS I suck at backgrounds so bear with me)

24 321

Low Battery Again so Gonna take a break, Hopefully, I finish this today

46 500

Booom I found the style I'll use for the comic, took a while for me to find, Here is a clear comparison of This year's style and last year's comic style

27 283

Takamori Comic practice featuring "Post Stream Kabedon" and "Early Morning Ambush"

361 2448

I can't keep my eyes open anymore, But I ain't done yet (It's 5 AM at PHP time)....I Failed in the speed department...zzzz

88 741

Dang Tenchou looks good no matter what lighting mode she's in.

45 534