

Celebrate literature every Saturday with #BookWormSat! Hosted by @DeeringRachel & @MaeneSigne. Also, #BookologyThursday with our dear friend #BookChatWeekly.…

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'After the dark, and before the light,
One lay sleeping; and one sat weeping,
Who had watched and wept the weary night.'
-Christina Rossetti

🎨Kinuko Y. Craft

35 108

'It was easy enough
to bend them to my wish,
it was easy enough
to alter them with a touch,
but you
adrift on the great sea,
how shall I call you back?'
-Circe, H.D.

🎨Frederick Stuart Church

28 82

‘There is communion past the need of speech,
There is a love no words of love can reach’ From Deep-Sea Soundings, Sarah Williams.

Tomorrow, for Emily Bronte’s birthday, join us to celebrate the writing of women in the C19th.

21 76

'A room is, after all, a place where you hide from the wolves. That's all any room is.'
-Jean Rhys

🎨Edmund Dulac

39 143

'There is, one knows not what sweet mystery about this sea, whose gently awful stirrings seem to speak of some hidden soul beneath...'
-Herman Melville, Moby Dick.

Dear bookworms, tomorrow's theme is American Literature. Use for a retweet. 📚🐛

🎨Martin Aagaard

41 188

'Oh, how near to Fairyland!
Blow, blow, gust of wind!
Sweep away my soul-boat against that very shore!'
-Yone Noguchi

is with you for the first half of a that is all about Fairies in Literature.

🎨Asako Eguchi

14 48

‘Would talk about the haunted glen,
The wicked, quaint fruit-merchant men,
Their fruits like honey to the throat
But poison in the blood’ Goblin Market, Rossetti.

here to spend the day wandering through your other worlds. Join us there.

21 70

'But a mermaid has no tears, and therefore she suffers so much more.'

Dear bookworms, Saturday we're celebrating Hans Christian Andersen's birthday with the theme Fairytales.📚🐛

Use for a retweet! (9am - 10pm CET)

51 196

'Yes, I deserve a spring – I owe nobody nothing.'
- Virginia Woolf

Good morning bookworms! is with you for the next couple of hours and bids you welcome to a spring themed 📚🌼

🎨Sir John Lavery

17 70

'The Wild still lingered in him and the wolf in him merely slept.'
-White Fang

Jack London was born in 1876.

🎨Alfred Kowalski

29 130