

フォロー数:543 フォロワー数:3936

Bride Tharja doodle for good luck on summoning 🍀
(it worked on m!Grima plz come home Tharja I have Robins)

138 442

Oh I forgot I doodled this. I originally drew this for the Azura map from feh golden week maps

425 1216

I actually thought of Sylvia when I read genealogy and dancer in the trailer, welp I like both of them (Sylvia a bit more) so I hope she can join Heroes someday too!

113 320

I always thought that it was Emperor Rudolf on the original FE2 cover, but looking at the Duma concept art, it was Duma's non-dragon form all along

156 407

"I'm Walmar-- I mean Walhart, THE CONQUEROR OF PRICES AND SALES" This is either beauty or regret (for deciding to follow me)

82 231

She's not home yet, but I won't give up

314 674

Also something I wanted to post earlier: Emmeryn from ghast’s randomnized awakening gameplay where she took Panne’s place and became the last myrmidon taguel. She came to help out Priam who took her place. Truly beautiful

155 460

When you think you could save orbs but feh wants your money

405 997

FE;A Randomnized is my current favorite thing
Flavia: "Is this an axe?"
Lissa: "No milady it's a divine sword of house Ylisse"
Flavia "a what?"

237 785

Watched yesterday playing FE13 randomnizer and Flavia was not only a male-only unit but also took Chrom's role and became an exalted princess and I love everything about it

49 200