

Emily | 26 | she/her | autistic lesbian | eclectic assortment of fandoms | Art: @Robophonics | 18+ follows only

フォロー数:359 フォロワー数:461

Going through my folders and no Pinky but I did find this surprisingly cute Billie I drew digitally in 2011.

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Just scanned Nurse Doom's first page. On the left is the scan that's out there, on the right is the one I just did. I think it's an improvement?

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It took me way to long to realize what Pinky's line was referencing and now that I have realized I'm kind of in shock. In my defense, I've never actually seen The Exorcist and only know anything about it from reading the TVTropes page years ago.

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I just scanned this page myself so I could get a higher quality image of this panel. Look.

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Doing my typical style without any of the cartoony elements for the first time all year.

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Check out this art I drew for that fic back in the day.

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