

She/her. Disabled accessibility specialist, queer, intersectional feminist, public speaker, streamer, gamer, #XboxPartner. Opinions = mine. [email protected]

フォロー数:1442 フォロワー数:2264

Gif alt: chibi panda drawing something on a sheet of paper, then the panda flips the piece of paper around to show a red heart.

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Manbaby trollnoob tries his best: a thrilling saga in five parts

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....#MyDisabledExperience is also changing into my pajamas to eat my lunch so my shaking hands don’t ruin my nice conference outfit before I present later today! 😂

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This isn’t a gif but it’s a picture of my dog penny!

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It’s an exact likeness! Except she drew them chubby like me, which makes it even better!! 🥰🥰🥰

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the similarities between us are becoming spoopy

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I have so much farming to catch up on from the time I was away! I've managed to get Mesa Prime, the Redeemer Prime, and Equinox Prime, but I still need Chroma Prime, the akjagara prime, the stradavar prime, the tipedo prime, the gram prime, the akvasto prime, and the rubico prime

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My is somewhere in this group of ladies. I’m reeeeally surprised it took me until I was 13 to realize I’m queer, since I never had a single crush on a dude cartoon 😂 🏳️‍🌈

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