Little Werewomenさんのプロフィール画像

Little Werewomenさんのイラストまとめ

Lost and forgotten, we tell tales of a past that never was;
Of Men & Wolves, of Love & War;
We howl into the æther, we sing out;
The Legends of Little Werewomen

フォロー数:128 フォロワー数:742

The presence of a wolf-man at Livingston University proves that these monsters and their allies seek to destroy our heritage. Today they take a seat that rightly belongs to a human; tomorrow they may try to cast ballots in an election or teach equality of the species in schools.

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From: Comment Attraper un Loup-Garou, 1793. "Once caught by this device, a werewolf can be easily dispatched at sunrise. Do not be tricked by their human-like cries, as they are quite devious! Take care not to burn the head or paws, as this will reduce the value of the bounty."

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It was amazing, Howland thought, how human beings were so willing to put aside the shining principles they claimed filled their hearts in the interests of filling their stomachs. They didn't wonder at all how he had gotten the meat for them, only how they might get more.

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Appolyon replaced the council court with trial-by-combat. He maintained that any accused criminal who died, torn apart by his vicious enforcers in the sacred ring must be guilty. How could Mother Luna ever permit an innocent to die such a gruesome death? Justice would prevail.

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He stumbled and fell as he reached for the ghythrym. Cursing, he strained to grasp it. Vani howled from the base of the hill but her urgent call was overpowered by two other sounds; the frantic thumping of his own heart and the clank of armor as his pursuers closed in on him.

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