

フォロー数:284 フォロワー数:79

Week 3, protect the piggies! No one ever thinks to look up, plus it's not like pigs can fly, right? It's the perfect plan!

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Super late, but I've also been super busy. I heard we were posting about maids.

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There's notch missing out of Ori's left ear along with several other scars sorta scattered all over.

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Today I learned existed and I am here for it. Ori isn't bad at drawing but would much rather practice calligraphy because to him it's more 'sophisticated'. This has now become everyone else's problem

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Catcat!Ori. He will wander in and out of several homes. Acts very cute when he wants something. Feels invincible when in a cardbord box. Will absolutely scream to go out, then scream a minute later to come inside. Has the zoomies at 3am.

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Someone decided to nab a few extra gill doing deliveries for the holidays

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