

30. they/them. writer first, artist second, human reluctantly

フォロー数:3 フォロワー数:4344

This guy asks for directions to the worst part of town, while wearing a jacket you swear you saw on one of the wanted posters - do you give him a ride??
Sequel to Lance for Keithtober 🔥

33 220

I said I like slightly taller Lance a thousand times but I don't think everyone understands the full spectrum of what I mean by that, so here is a little visual aid

122 720

November 👀

208 954

hAVE you heard people shaming themselves for still being into klance in 2022? WELL go unhinged and subscribe to klance in 2023, because the Calendar is now available to pre-order

114 641



Keith looks cute but comes to pick Lance up from soccer practice, because after his first semester in the same team, the amount of red cards he received re-directed him to kick boxing

June in the Calendar

203 863

Lance would take Keith's dumb-ass walls and build a home

271 1156

The Myth, the Legend - Lance McClain - thanks for keeping him alive in your hearts!

Does your Lance keep doing smth/do you like Lance doing something that was never suggested in canon?
Mine always seems to like fruit

DanceAU, AndroidAU, AUsAU (L2), HEX, Cursed Love (God!Lance)

192 701

but... full meal

261 1288