

Filmmaker - Gamer - Reader of Comic Books - Co-host of the podcast @cinema_suitcase

フォロー数:1454 フォロワー数:822

1. Borderlands 2
2. Bioshock 2
3. Ratchet & Clank 3
4. The Witcher 3 https://t.co/XEFayrCqxi

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Since everyone is sharing their stats, these are mine! Not too bad for my track record but not my best year.

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I was deleting old movies off my computer and I accidentally deleted all my batman movies I had from the Nolan trilogy, the Tim Burton film's to some of my favourite animated ones!

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Wonder Woman: Bloodlines

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Rewatching the Ghost in the shell Arise series. While the Major is voiced by a younger actress, another character Kurutsu is voiced by the actress who voiced Motoko in Stand Alone Complex! That's such a cool a little nod to fans!

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My characters for each play through of Cyberpunk 2077: Playthrough 1, Playthrough 2 and Playthrough 3!

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Watched Ready Player One today! Thought it had a lot of great fan service for films, video games and comic books! Otherwise it's story and characters were just okay and not as good as I was hoping for!

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