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We would like to wish our fellow followers Bluey Fans and everyone else a Merry Christmas "A Bluey Christmas" and a happy and safe New Year. And also thanks for the love and support it means a lot. Will see you all in 2022. And again Merry Christmas to all! #Bluey #MerryChristmas
Alright! The next Long Dog post "And also our final post for this year" Will be live on Instagram and to be shared here on 20/12/2020. Which will be 5 days before Christmas. Sorry for not being active & for the lack of post lately. As we've been busy with stuff IRL.
Alright here's the 32nd tennis ball I have spotted on the episode called "Hide And Seek" on bluey. If anyone wants to have a look. https://t.co/VFwGNOeICa #Bluey #TennisBall #TennisBallSpotting #TennisBallSpotted #SpottingForTennisBall #TennisBallLocated #HideAndSeek #Episodes
Not really an Easter egg. I was talking about the 3 things I have spotted in the cupboard area. on the episode called “Chickenrat” on bluey. If anyone wants to have a look. https://t.co/R65kvGSsmZ #Bluey #NotReallyAnEasterEgg #Mysterious #InTheCupboard #Chickenrat #Episodes
Sorry everyone for the late notice. This will be the last post for tonight and will be back with more tomorrow morning. As I am looking for some more Easter eggs and long dogs.
Not really an Easter egg. I was talking about the mysterious tap on the wall. on the episode called "Zoo" on bluey. If anyone wants to have a look. https://t.co/ztYynemtx6 #Bluey #NotReallyAnEasterEgg #OutOfContext #Question #Mysterious #MysteriousTap #Tap #TheZoo #Zoo #Episodes
I'm having an early one tonight. Going to do some more sightings of Easter eggs and long dogs in episodes. So will be back with more tomorrow morning.
Hello everyone how's it going. I'm back! When I was away for the long weekend I managed to write 3 new post In the notes and will be sharing with you all soon. I hope you all had a great weekend as well.