

Brilliant Books & Incredible Illustrations from 18-23 October 2018

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Join & enjoy an introductory workshop on how to write a book for children or teens https://t.co/2BMEf5pTox

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Fun-loving puppy Oskar has been snowbound - enjoy this play packed with song, humour & adventure 👉https://t.co/3lFJQl9bM5

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To those of u who know who Hairy Maclary & Hercules Morse are … then this is ideal for you! 👉 https://t.co/VY7ZMSjXeE

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Is ur household fans of Enjoy some giggles with a live, interactive show at https://t.co/RVhOViyQ9v

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will be hot-footing it down to … we're super excited to be welcoming ! Visit https://t.co/SggD2nPgup

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Are the children bookworms & love nothing more than burying their head in a book? is for them! Visit https://t.co/SggD2o6RlX

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Ever wanted to write a childrens book? Then this is the perfect workshop for you! Find out more - https://t.co/2BMEf5Hug5

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Children fans of 'Little Howard's Big Question'? Enjoy giggles with a live show at https://t.co/RVhOViyQ9v

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is packed with loads of fantastic events - head to https://t.co/SggD2nPgup & start planning your visit!

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Love incredible illustrations & brilliant books? This is the festival for you! https://t.co/SggD2nPgup

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