


フォロー数:2657 フォロワー数:1856
# kfp

members please check your youtube notifications, Kiwawa got some super duper exciting news!

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When I see higher and higher all I can think of is this now
SHe brainwashed me u.u

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Feeling fuzzy thinking how we went from 1 original in 2020,to 2 originals in 2021, to 2 originals & 2 concerts in 2022,& now 4 concerts & solo album later this year
Things could've always been better,but if you step back & see, Kiara has done a great job and I'm proud of her

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somebody explain to me how is Kiara a fire type but her signature move is the wave

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Shiki and Asuka are the rickroll of Kiarys fans

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KiaRys beloved, aren't they gorgeous together?🥰

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This is an oldie but I'd say this one because it happened in the middle of Kiara's channel termination LOL

You can try opening the link and see what happens!
https://t.co/AZDMJeRIxK https://t.co/ridjGNUZiH

1 16

Random thought but if Arknights ever gets an english dub, the same woman that voices Kisara in Tales of Arise/Jade in FE Engage should voice Nearl👀

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My personal Engage top waifus
1. Ivy
2. Chloe
3. Yunaka
4. Celine

My tastes match with Kiara's a bit but in a different order. Ivy is just too perfect, beautiful☺️

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