

I chose low time preference until hyperbitcoinization

フォロー数:233 フォロワー数:2472

Cool goal! Here is my unsold Art and cool Artist on my store too. Open for negociations 😁 https://t.co/cVdHEkt44q

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My Store is really cheap right now 🔥 https://t.co/cVdHEkt44q go visit 🙏

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Only a beginner but i will post anyway 😅

0 8

I am vouching for verifying process at Looks at this great Artist !

3 8

Giveaway time

As i received multiple giveaway i want to give back to the community

1.Follow me
2. Retweet

I will draw 2 winner in 24 hours and they can choose one of the following

14 15