

フォロー数:399 フォロワー数:684

manhua l ve read it a long time and honestly normally it is actually good but with so much toxic and abusive plot story hell the no sadly it wasn't exacly finished by the authour

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Even with the way plot fallow story like there is so many believes Taekyung and Shinwoo will be thing

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David tennat killing on every roles he deserves also a lot more recgonize

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still can't figure out why destiel fandom posting on sam and Jared tag tumblr

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Happy to every brothers siblings l miss them Damon wasn't the best brother but in the end of day he tried and succes

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when someone talking about the final season.#spn it will be the last year J2 working togheter

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reminder me that sam and Dean lost their parents twice times

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