

pfp by @bendy82261831

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because of the limited characters I couldn't add this last fact for Kofuku

- Kofuku's voice is actually inspired by Kefka from final fantasy, the origin of the original Sonic.EXE laugh

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Lord X - Old Friend Trivia

- :)

84 689

Yokubo - Guardian of Desire trivia

- Very punchable face, gives off spoiled brat vibes.

- Despite claiming to be perfect, they tend to consist of imperfections upon further inspection.

- By far the most powerful of the Guardians, which often gets to their head.

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Kyofu - Guardian of Fear trivia

- Kyofu targets victims based on a body part they become fascinated with.

- Kyofu likes to add these to their own body, forming a "collection".

- Kyofu shapeshifts much easier and more often than the others, leaning into the uncanny valley.

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Zetsubo - Guardian of Despair trivia

- Zetsubo likes to speak in rhyme, after all if it rhymes it's true.

- If it wasn't obvious by the design, they tend to reside underwater most of the time.

- The strongest guardian in terms of psychological torment.

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Gekido - Guardian of Rage trivia

- Gekido is often reserved, which is ironic considering their name.

- Gekido's face has been permanently disfigured due to their outbursts.

- A small fire that lights up within them whenever they speak.

- Gekido runs a meat processing plant.

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Kofuku - Guardian of Joy trivia

- Kofuku is the friendliest of the Guardians, however that does not make him any less deadly.

- They wear a human face in order to appeal more to their audience.

- Kofuku doesn't seem to ever get angry, in fact they're never unhappy either.

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Ken'o - Guardian of Disgust trivia

- Ken'o is in a permanent state of disgust.

- Their disgust is so strong that it resulted in their body devolving into a mass of VOID matter, some of which spills from their mouth constantly.

- The rings around them are moved with their mind.

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