

🇨🇳✨Chinese/English (Sometimes it's a translator) @Lotusunreal2
(another account

pfp : @hayaangi

Hey——this is Lotus.unreal!Call me lotus,that's ok✨

フォロー数:111 フォロワー数:1579

Some logic(What)
Lol,The third one is an inspiration from a friend😂😂

20 229

I can't compare, but I really can't help but change the picture.🤣

7 124

It's time to fight BF(lacking confidence)

lol,just for fun——
Because it's boring today

12 111

Thought it add water(×)

Why……Why did they have nothing to do after drinking? ?

11 110

I used to be sad because of his birthday with no people(It hurts me🔪

This is it
He deserves a perfect birthday

22 160