loui joverさんのプロフィール画像

loui joverさんのイラストまとめ

ART..CARTOON..THOUGHT the creator of original hand drawn ink on bookpages art..saatchiart.com/louijover [email protected]

フォロー数:4585 フォロワー数:7979

FREE SHIPPING promo - link https://t.co/Aah78YOFY3 i paint i draw i do it everyday

8 11

''I find some paper, a pencil and scribble til dinner'' I PAINT, I DRAW & I DO IT everyday

12 31

SOLD via email collectors in instant collection ''AMALFI'' ''PASSAGE'' & ''FALLING SOMEWHERE ELSE

3 10

sales ALIVE + TOM & JERRY + SO FAR https://t.co/VJ4fOwlbbj HUGETHANKS to the collectors & team

5 16

sales via the complete online portfolio HAPPY these works found homes JOVER ART

7 16

this week via my portfolio to buyers in the and THE great team JOVER

32 59