

フォロー数:130 フォロワー数:8622

blockbuster set pieces peaked with this and it's never going to be matched

436 3503

give the people the crossover they deserve.

30 524

shout out to everyone who has helped this video carry my entire channel for the last 15 months. I legitimately would not still be doing this without this video's success affording me some hope, so thank you thank you thank you ❤

62 693

Kong: Skull Island would like a word

18 238

just imagine how beautiful THE BATMAN and DUNE are going to look 😍

37 375

I honestly believe that if Disney really needed to remake they should have let Disney Animation Studios create a 3D-animated movie in the style of their amazing recent output.

You can keep the imagination & expression of non-photoreal CGI and *still* make that $$$

18 190