


フォロー数:4688 フォロワー数:4202

Hanging with the community, listening to the artist, got me hella bullish on this project. Just sniped this rare Huge Brain, kissing trait for the ride.

13 29

Say hello to the dynamic duo of These two working overtime to get Charms, Kongnium and $banana, for the boss.

10 63

owns twitter, $doge is pumping and these are going to mutate. Can I officially call "Doge Days", till the end of the year?

12 32

Ready for ? Booo! Muhahahah! Things are about to get lit up in here. 🔥🔥🔥💀💀💀💀

30 74

When I open my restaurant. You all eat for free! LFG!!!

18 54

We are one community on 2 great projects. Memes are taking over and we’re taking the lead. Check us out web3, we’re going places.

21 53

Are you in for this journey with ? We love memes and pay homage to meme culture. There is a meme for all occasions and memes are part of all our lives. Why fight it? LFG 🔥🔥🔥

15 37